The Nursery teacher for 2024-25 is Mrs Lindsay Johnson; the Nursery Nurses are Mrs Faye Cross and Mrs Zoe Wilby. Please speak directly to a member of the teaching team if you have any queries or concerns.
Reception is also supported by Mrs Kirpal Birdi, Miss Hannah Christy, Mrs Sadia Iqbal, Mrs Sandra Mirembe and Mrs Balvinder Ratour.
The EYFS Phase Leader is Mrs Clare Callaghan; she will help you if the class teacher is unable to do so. Her direct e-mail address is If you have any suggestions about how we could improve communication further, please let us know.
At Talbot Primary School, we know how important it is to get the best possible start to your child's school journey. As a team, we ensure that our first primary aim is to make sure that all our children feel safe, secure and happy to learn. In Nursery, we recognise the importance of the prime areas of learning, and as a result, provision holds true to these aspects, namely:
- Communication and Language: We explore fun and engaging ways in which to get the children involved in a language rich environment and develop their confidence and skills to express themselves and to speak and listen. One of the very special things about Talbot is that we are lucky to welcome children and families that are a representation of Leeds - rich and diverse in its culture and languages
- Physical Development: We ensure the children are given lots of opportunities to get active and interactive, develop their co-ordination, control, movement and strength.
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development: We help the children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others, form positive relationships and respect for others and the social skills to manage their feelings and behaviours in groups. We also help the children to make healthy choices about food.
Please do see the following websites for some useful ways you can support your child(ren) to widen their experiences and enjoyment. Do not hesitate to contact a member of Nursery if you need any help.
What do our Parents and Carers say about Nursery?
Click here to see Mrs Johnson's video tour on Nursery.
Useful Links
- Whole School Key Dates 2024-25
- Autumn term long term plan
- Spring term long term plan
- Summer term long term plan
- Early Years Rationale
- A parents' guide to the Early Years curriculum
- How we assess children in Early Years
- A parents' guide to Assessment in Action (Nursery 1 curriculum)
- A parents' guide to Assessment in Action (Nursery 2 curriculum)
- A parents' guide to developing independence in children
- Top 50 things to do before you are five
- The Communication Trust
New Starter Information
Nursery Showcase:
Please take the time to have a look at some of the exciting things that Reception have done this year; hopefully, they will give you a flavour of the broad curriculum we offer at Talbot.
Developing our social skills – Have you filled your bucket today?
Getting stuck into the weather - learning about the seasons
Kitchen Disco – Learning where our food comes from through story
Personal and social development – baking food to share with each other
Mathematical learning – Exploring pattern
Our nursery challenge – ‘Eating a rainbow‘
The great outdoors – the importance of first-hand experiences
Following children’s interests – learning about ‘The moon’
Getting ready write and beyond – building our fine motor skills
Movement play – developing core strength
Reading breakfast – working in partnership with our parents
World nursery rhyme week – supporting children’s literacy and phonics development
Personal, social and emotional development – settling in to nursery
Supporting healthy eating and drinking habits
Personal, social and emotional development – learning how to ‘be’ at nursery
Nursery Admissions
In order to meet the needs of our community and families we are pleased to offer a range of provision and admit Free Early Years Education (FEEE) funded three and four-year old places following your child's third birthday. We also offer 30 hour places and additional, chargeable hours to meet the needs of families. We currently offer the following sessions to accommodate 78, Monday to Friday, term time only places:
- Mornings only (7 places)
- Afternoons only (7 places)
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday am (12 places)
- Wednesday pm, Thursday and Friday (12 places)
- 30 Hour session (20 places)
In accordance with our Nursery Admissions Policy, priority is given to eligible siblings first and places are then allocated in date of birth order.
Admissions to Nursery are administered by the school. If you would like your child's name to be included on our waiting list please either telephone the school office on 0113 2934086 or e-mail Where additional hours are available these are charged at £5.39 from from 1st April, 2025.
If you are interested in a place at our Nursery, would like to visit us, have a look at our provision and meet the Nursery team then please make contact with the team via or alternatively ring the school office on 0113 2934086. Mrs Finn in the school office will be happy to help.
Nursery home/school communication
Building effective home school communication is crucial at Talbot and ensures children get the best possible start to their time at school. As a team, we work hard to build this relationship. Not only will we visit you at home after a place is offered, we invite you and your child to visit us. This is built on throughout your child's time with us in Nursery in the following ways:
- daily face to face contact with the Nursery Team and your child's Key Worker at pick up and drop off
- ongoing communication through newsletters, notices and ParentMail
- invitations to all parents to join our Tapestry online journal. This is a secure record of photographs, observations and comments accessible to you and the school to build up a record of your child's learning journey and developments during their time in Nursery
- dedicated meetings with your child's Key Worker to help understand how they are progressing in line with their personal milestones