Developing our social skills – Have you filled your bucket today?
We have been sharing the book ‘Have you filled your bucket today?’ by Carol McCloud, which is a story all about kindness and making yourself and others feel good by being kind. Lots of the children have been talking about Ramadan and how they have been helping at home and thinking about people less fortunate than themselves. This prompted us to have a go at doing our own kind deeds and helping to fill one another’s invisible buckets.
We created our own bucket (which we could see!) and after sharing the book with the children, each day the adults in nursery recorded the lovely, kind acts that they saw, or heard, the children do around nursery. At the end of each session, we shared these with the class. We were really impressed with just how many kind deeds the children had done! From sharing the toys and helping their friends to do tricky tasks, to making pictures and models to give to the people they loved at home, we really did some lovely thoughtful acts.
Some of the children also shared some of the things they had done at home to help out too, including helping with the washing up and watering the plants.