Message from the Head
Talbot Primary School is a school based in its community for its community. Within our diverse school community, i.e. of cultures, language and starting points, lies our strengths. This is reflected in all that we do and inspires us all to ensure our standards remain high. As a result, Talbot Primary School is an excellent school, in which children and adults work in harmony to ensure learning is fun, meaningful, engaging and relevant.
As Headteacher, one of the greatest privileges is being able to witness how our school commitment to ‘Courage, Truth and Loyalty’ makes a marked, daily difference on the lives and learning experiences of our children. By pledging to ensure that each child is nurtured, valued and supported to develop a positive self-image of themselves, we are successfully ensuring that our children are reflective, effective and resilient learners. Indeed, our children are the best advocates as to the quality of education on offer at Talbot Primary. Below are just a snapshot of some of their comments:
- ‘We are inclusive, everyone is included and kind.’
- ‘We are passionate about learning, because we don’t lose concentration in lessons and really want to know what we’re doing in a lesson.’
- ‘We work independently, are nice and have fun while learning…and we persevere.’
- ‘We have strong friendships and take care of other people, e.g. friends, environment.’
- ‘The teachers are kind and help us.’
- ‘It’s important that school teach you to be kind as well as good at learning. We get that at Talbot.’
Our recent Ofsted inspection pleasingly recognised the Talbot spirit and the commitment from the school community. As Headteacher, I could not be more proud of how our staff, children and families have dealt with everything we have had to face. We will of course continue to aspire to be the best school we can be and hope the school website provides you with the information you need.
Mrs Parm Gill