Kitchen Disco – Learning where our food comes from through story

One of the stories in our nursery early years reading spine is ‘Kitchen Disco’ by Clare Foges. This colourful and fun rhyming story, tells the tale of a bowl of fruit that comes to life at night, with all the different fruits having a disco in the house. An instant hit with the nursery children, ‘Kitchen Disco’ is a great way for children to not only continue to develop a love of books and stories, but also a great way in to continue our learning around food. During our learning around this book, we looked at five different fruits individually. The children had the opportunity to look closely at each fruit and talk about how they looked and felt, before tasting them too. The children also watched videos to learn more about each fruit, such as where and how it grows and how it is harvested.

We couldn’t have a focus on ‘Kitchen Disco’ without actually having a real disco, so the children chose some music and had a boogie round, pretending to be the fruits and showing us their fantastic moves! The children also got creative by designing their own fruity characters using a picture of a fruit of their choice and googly eyes as well as painting pictures of the fruits and making kebab patterns with real fruit.