Knowledge Organiser link page
Science links AUTUMN
Year 2.1 - living things part 1
Year 2.2 - living things part 2
Year 3.2 - skeletons and muscles
Science links SPRING
Year 1 - animals including humans
Year 2.2 - plants (coming soon)
Year 5.2 - earth, sun and moon
Year 6.2 - forces part 2 (coming soon)
Science links SUMMER
Year 1 - everyday materials
Year 2.1 - animals, including humans part 1
Year 2.2 - animals, including humans part 2
Year 3.1 - light
Year 3.2 -forces and magnets
Year 4.1 - living things and habitats
Year 4.2 - animals, including humans
Year 5.1 - animals, including humans
Year 5.2 - living things and habitats
Year 6.1 - living things and their habitats
Year 6.2 - evolution and inheritance