Big art – developing printing techniques on fabrics

This autumn, Year 6 used their geography skills to learn about Roundhay and the local area. To consolidate this knowledge, they completed a ‘Big Art’ project, which focused on architecture in Roundhay.

The children began by using their sketching and shading skills to draw a local building. Examples included Tropical World, the mansion in Roundhay Park and Oakwood clock. Once they had done this, they began to think about how the drawing could be broken up into different sections to be printed. Some groups found that applying their maths knowledge helped with this, as they used measurement and symmetry to help them.

Once they had done this, the children made printing stamps out of a variety of materials. They had to make sure that these were raised, so that when they applied the printing ink to them, only the stamp printed. They then worked with their group to print the designs onto a piece of material using one or two colours. This was a completely new skill for the children, so it was quite tricky to get it right, especially ensuring that the proportions of the building were correct. They were very happy with their results.