Earthquake resistant buildings – a construction strand of DT

As the final part of our Connected Curriculum topic exploring volcanoes, earthquakes and Iceland, the children completed a DT day to consider how people can live safely in seismic zones.  One of the ways people in cities in countries such as Japan can lively more safely, is because architects and engineers design earthquake resistant buildings.  Firstly, the children researched different buildings around the world and observed that they were constructed from materials that, although strong, were also flexible.  This means that during an earthquake, the structures would be able to move with the tremor but then return to their regular position afterwards.  They also noticed that they used things such as cross bracing to make them strong yet flexible.

After researching the techniques used, the children designed and constructed their own prototype buildings just like an architect would.  First, they measured and made cubes using art straws and added cross bracing to make them stronger.  They discovered that they could then use different size cubes to create different shaped buildings that would be strong but flexible.

Once built, the buildings were tested to see how well they would support 250g of weight and withstand an earthquake (which was the table being shaken for 10 seconds!).  Some were more successful than others but this was fine because in the final evaluations the children considered what went well and what they would improve next time.  It was a really fun project and the children learned a great deal about ways in which people can live more safely in earthquake zones.