Year 2 school council elections – how to vote
Year 2 learnt about the Fundamental British Value of Democracy when they took part in electing two school council representatives from each class. The role of school councillor is a very important and responsible job, where the children have a voice in shaping some of the decisions that are made in school.
The children in Year 2 were given the opportunity to volunteer themselves to be a school councillor and it was amazing to see the different ways in which the children prepared themselves, from using the letters of their name to recording key words to help them. All the children who volunteered used their oracy skills to deliver fantastic speeches about why they would make a good school councillor and it was wonderful to hear the children describing the ways in which they would work with the school council to make positive changes to our school. The children listened carefully, demonstrating their active listening skills during the election speeches.
After everyone who volunteered had shared their speeches, the children then voted for one girl and one boy to represent their class. The votes were so very close and when the school councillors for Year 2 were announced, the classes were extremely supportive of their peers, celebrating with them and offering their congratulations.
Being a part of the school council is a very important role in school. The children elected will listen to their peers and share the views of their peers at school council meetings as well as working with members of staff to look at how we can continue to make positive changes to our school.