Art and design: creating Great Fire of London silhouettes
During the Autumn term, Year Two’s learning in Art also linked with our ‘Great Fire of London’ Connected Curriculum topic. During the topic, the children learnt about the sculptor, David Best and they developed their understanding of what a sculptor is and the materials they work with. They learnt how David Best builds his sculptures from recycled materials and how his artwork is not displayed in a gallery. Can you predict what happens to his sculpture once it is complete? Year Two were astonished to find out that David Best’s sculptures are burnt once they have been displayed for a few days. David Best build ‘London 1666’ which was a replica of the 17th Century skyline.
During the Art topic, Year Two learnt about primary and secondary colours and how to mix these to create a palette of warm colours. They were taught about silhouettes and they investigated the different types of materials they could use to create a silhouette, deciding that an opaque material would work well for this type of project. To end this part of their learning, the children applied their skills, mixing warm colours to create a fiery skyline effect, adding a 17th Century silhouette skyline on top and finishing off their artwork by adding flame and ember detail. The children all agreed that their artwork resembled the 17th Century skyline during the Great Fire of London.