English – writing poems inspired by Winter experiences
Year 1 were inspired by the weather and changing seasons to write Winter poems.
Year 1 first explored ice. The children loved looking and feeling it, and this stimulus also supported them to collect an amazing number of words to describe the ice – like sparking, transparent, clear, cold, freezing, wet, as wet as a fish. The children incorporated many of these into their ice poems, showing the power of concrete experiences for children.
The children then went outside and looked at the weather round them, collecting adjectives to describe what they could see, feel, smell and touch. These first-hand experiences support the children to learn and remember new vocabulary and phrases.
The classes used the new winter vocabulary when they wrote their own Winter poems, based on their senses. For example, “In winter I can see …”. The children wrote some fantastic poems using a range of interesting adjectives and verbs.
The children will continue to learn and write different types of poetry, every year, throughout their time at Talbot, to enrich their appreciation of this genre.