Physical Education – developing character in OAA

In Year 3 PE, the children continue their Outdoor Adventurous Activity units by playing a range of team building and orienteering games, in the autumn term.

This strand of the curriculum is important, as not all children enjoy traditional sports or dance, and it gives them alternative ideas about how to live an active and healthy lifestyle. These smaller activities run alongside the more memorable ones like the visit to Herd Farm, but the underlying knowledge, skills and attitudes taught remain consistent.

Problem solving, for example, teaches the children how to communicate with their team and find a solution together. This helps them develop their overall Character, which is at least as important as knowledge. Throughout Year 3, character development in PE focusses on building the courage to try new things, perseverance in activities, communication with peers and collaboration. These will be characteristics will be revisited again in Year 4 too.

At the end of the Autumn term, Year 3 had the opportunity to use the Scrapshed as part of their OAA PE learning. The children had to use key skills they had learnt such as cooperation, teamwork, communication and negotiation to construct structures from the resources available.  The children had a lot of fun working together, being very creative and the skills they had developed over the term.