Science – visualising space with a visit from the Planetarium

Year 5 learnt about Space in Science. To begin the topic, Year 5 enjoyed a visit from the Aurora Planetarium. The inflatable planetarium was located in the hall and allowed each class to experience an incredible show, which explained the Solar System and Space beyond our small planet in an immersive theatre environment. Viewing a series of animations, clips and models showing the size and distance of planets and satellites, their location and insight into how these were formed, it was a fantastic learning opportunity that was certainly memorable.

Not only did this visit inspire Year 5 and capture their curiosity for our Science topic, but their newly acquired knowledge also added to the quality of their writing in English lessons. Year 5 were tasked with writing a recount of the Moon landings in July, 1969. Children chose to write form the point of view of the astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin or Michael Collins. This newfound understanding added to the quality of writing, where Year 5 included some fantastic facts and opinions, bring their recounts to life.